I've decided there seems to be a connection with the way you like your marshmallow roasted and your personality. Those of us who like them on fire and burned to a crisp, have little if any patience. We stick the marshmallow in, start it on fire and poof! it's done! We've eaten 3 to every one that others eat. Those people who like them just brown on the outside are much more patient. There's a method and a madness to sitting by the fire (smoke in your face) turning the stick and waiting, and waiting AND waiting for the perfectly brown marshmallow evenly spread throughout. Now, I'm not sure what "type" you are if you just like them plain. Even less patient than the burned marshmallow? No taste for cooked marshmallow? A plain Jane? I don't know. We had all three "personalities" at the creek that night!
However the marshmallow, I don't think it really matters once you add chocolate and graham crackers. Really, I don't think you can go wrong. And what's even better is when you get to share them with family!