Friday, April 9, 2010

A Poem

By Coleson's 2nd Grade group

PTA is fine
There are lots of pine.
We see mountains high
and we have a beautiful sky.
You can only come by plane,
we are like a tropical island, how insane.
It is cold all year long,
But in Alaska that's not wrong.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Date Night

Carlon and I have tried to set aside one day of the week as our "date night". This usually happens on Wed. nights, while the kids are at AWANA. So, we have a whole hour and a half to ourselves. Since we have no movie theaters, or restaurants, or malls to shop, or any sort of date-type place to go, we have to be creative. Sometimes being creative means sitting on the couch and playing the wii together, or eating dinner separately from the kids.This last week we sent the kids out the door and decided to go for a hike for our date. It was the first time Carlon had gotten the chance to hike to the falls this winter. Although the trail was quite snowpacked and uneven, we eventually made it. It was, of course, beautiful and breath taking to see the falls. We quickly came down the trail (slid down in some areas), just in time to pick the kids up from church. It was a fun filled evening for all! The worst part was trying to keep up with the kids that night, they had much energy and we had none.