Thursday, April 16, 2009

Changing seasons

Do you ever stop to think what all goes through your mind in a single day? Well, I recently had one of those days. As a mom, there's lots for me to think about. Having recently moved to a new environment and in the process of changing seasons, there is even more for me to think about. Things I've never really had to think about came to mind. For example, I've thought,"How muddy can one child really get, and how will I get him clean, not to mention the clothes clean." Or,"I never thought mud could get there!" Another thought that came to mind is, "Will the four wheeler really make it though this slush and slime of mud?"

It has occurred to me, that we are entering a new season here. Most people refer to this time of year as spring. However, here, it is referred to as "break up". The dreaded season. It is the season where the snow has begun to melt, and there is nothing left but mud and slush. Eventually it will dry and become dirt, but for now, and for about a month more, it will be melting snow, slush and mud. What a mess! Although, it is sunny and nice out, it is not ideal "mom" weather. "Mom" weather being that sort of weather where mom doesn't have to worry about how many stains she is going to have to try to remove after allowing her kids time outside to play. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize, I don't think there really is a season like that here. In winter, they come in wet, "spring" they come in muddy, summer they come in dusty and dirty and fall, well a little of everything, I suppose. So, I will take a a little and enjoy watching my kids play outside, get dirty and have a ball. I imagine in the end, it won't really matter whether or not I've gotten the stains out. Chances are, they will just make new ones where the older ones were to begin with!

Water running down to the bay

More than one use for sleds!

What the road outside our yard looks like right now.

1 comment:

  1. you know, you kids are cute whether they are clean or not. and someday when i am a mom, i want to be a mom just like you. ~k
